Time and Date

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Penulisan ini akan berkisar mengenai pergolakan politik yang berlaku di Thailand sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.Tetapi kali ini,sekadar memperkenalkan siapa Thaksin yang dikatakan menjadi punca kepada kemelut yang dilihat sukar untuk diselesaikan dalam masa terdekat ini.

Thaksin Shinawatra merupakan pengasas bagi Parti Thai Rak Thai iaitu sebuah parti tunggal yang pertama memenangi pilihanraya Thailand. Beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri Thailand bermula pada tahun 2001 setelah memenangi pilihanraya. Selain menjadi seorang ahli politik, Thaksin juga merupakan seorang ahli perniagaan berjaya yang membina empayar perniagaan dan politik yang kukuh di Thailand. Beliau mempunyai pengaruh yang besar dikalangan rakyat Thailand terutama di kawasan luar Bandar.

Pada 19 September 2006, rampasan kuasa telah berlaku dimana pemerintahan Thaksin digulingkan oleh Tentera Diraja Thailand. Kejadian yang berlaku adalah disebabkan beberapa perkara yang berlaku semasa pemerintahan Thaksin. Beliau dilihat mengamalkan pentadbiran ‘ala CEO’ di mana banyak keputusan diputuskan oleh keuntungan wang ringgit tanpa mempedulikan maruah negara dan nyawa rakyat.

Thaksin dilihat mengamalkan kronisme dalam pentadbirannya. Ramai sanak saudara dan rakan sekolahannya dilantik dalam pasukan tentera, polis dan perniagaan. Natijahnya rakyat di kota dan bandar Bangkok telah hilang kepercayaan kepadanya. Namun sebaliknya, penduduk luar bandar masih menyukai beliau kerana banyak menabur wang terutama untuk pembangunan luar bandar. Sistem demokrasi yang subur pula tidak wujud dalam tempoh lima tahun pemerintahan Thaksin. Hal ini kerana, beliau menggunakan pendekatan menyekat kebebasan media dan juga menutup mulut pembangkang daripada menyuarakan kritikan terhadap pemerintahan beliau.

Pergolakan politik di Thailand benar-benar serius sebaik sahaja peristiwa pembunuhan banyak berlaku di selatan Thailand. Selatan Thailand yang meliputi Yala, Pattani dan Narathiwat seringkali bermandikan darah sepanjang 5 tahun Thaksin berkuasa. Thaksin juga telah melakukan beberapa perkara lain yang mencetuskan kemarahan rakyat dan memalukan pihak istana. Akhirnya, pihak tentera diraja Thailand mengadakan rampasan kuasa pada 19 September 2006 kerana situasi dan keadaan politik Thailand yang semakin meruncing. Walau bagaimanapun, Surayud Chulalont yang memimpin rampasan kuasa ke atas pentadbiran Thaksin telah berjanji bahawa junta tentera akan memulangkan kuasa pemerintahan kepada tangan rakyat melalui pilihan raya yang akan dijalankan pada penghujung 2007.

Keadaan politik di Thailand memperlihatkan bahawa negara tersebut masih belum mencapai kestabilan politik walaupun telah berlaku pertukaran Perdana Menteri beberapa kali. Desakan rakyat dilihat begitu kuat dengan demonstrasi dan tunjuk perasaan yang berlanjutan hingga ke hari ini. Melalui kronologi penceritaan dan pemerhatian yang dilakukan, Thaksin adalah kunci utama permasalahan. Bermula dengan pentadbirannya yang bermasalah dengan unsur-unsur kronisme, nepotisme, penyalahgunaan kuasa dan sebagainya sehinggalah rampasan kuasa berlaku, masalah ini dilihat merebak kepada Samak yang menjadi Perdana Menteri selepas itu.

Monday, April 19, 2010

8 Easy Ways to Boost Your Salary

Work smarter, not harder. Take simple steps that will help you supersize your paycheck, get more respect at work, and develop a career that truly suits you.

From career training to communication tips, check out our list of ways to boost your paycheck.

Specialize. Are you feeling like you're spread too thin over too many tasks? Become an expert at a few major responsibilities in order to make yourself indispensable in the office. A brief online course can help. For example, if your boss relies on PowerPoint presentations, learn more about the software package and help with the weekly presentation duties.

Diversify. On the flip side, a narrow range of skills could work against you in an office where only a few people perform the majority of the tasks. Think about where you can diversify your skills to offer more value to the team. For example, your front-office clerical skills could be combined with medical assistant training to help prepare you to work in a small doctor's office. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a median yearly wage of $28,300 for medical assistants, with the top 25 percent earning $33,050.

Train yourself. Think about where you want your career to be in five or ten years. If people at work are always asking you for help with their computers, why not make it official? An associate's degree in IT can help move you into an official role as your company's computer-support specialist. Your employer should be pleased to find that you took the initiative to educate yourself. Computer-support specialists earn a median annual wage of $43,450, while the top 25 percent earn $55,990.

Train others. Prove your value in the workplace by offering to lead training sessions for new hires. Expressing the desire to train others proves your interest in the company, as well as your willingness to take a leadership position and a position of responsibility. Business classes in human resource management and communications can give you the knowledge you need to help new hires begin their careers at your company.

Manage. Interested in climbing up the corporate ladder? Do your part to make your way into a management position. If you have little or no previous management experience, a degree in business administration such as an MBA can help give you the management tools you need to operate confidently at a management level. Then you can combine your work experience with education and rise above your competition. According to the BLS, workers with a master's degree earn an average of almost $200 a week more than those with a bachelor's degree only.

Get certified. Computer certification in technologies such as Cisco, Microsoft, and Linux have value in jobs ranging from help-desk support to high-level project management. Combined with your degree in computer science, finance, or a related field, the certification process gives you a chance to prove your knowledge, keep your technical skills current, and show off your commitment to your job. Network and computer-systems administrators are expected to remain current on new technologies. They earned a yearly median wage of $66,310 in 2008, with the top 25 percent earning $84,110.

Ask. Perhaps the easiest salary-boosting tactic is also one of the most overlooked: asking for what you want. Otherwise, your boss may not know that you're thinking of advancing your career. Set up a meeting and ask what you can do to earn more. Present some ideas and learn more about your strengths and weaknesses as an employee. From there, you should have a clearer picture of how to improve; what's more, your boss will realize you want to.

Move on. Sometimes, a simple salary boost can't be found. If you find yourself stuck in a go-nowhere job, think about using education and training to make the move to a position that is more in line with your ambition and ability.

Of course, none of the tips above can guarantee a higher salary. However, it's a good idea to take some time out of every year to consider where you stand on the office payroll. With a move as simple as a little career training, you can boost your paycheck and earn what you deserve.

Mary Fineday is a freelance writer in Austin, Texas.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Is Allah Satisfied???

No words to say for this post…I think…‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ =)

Hope this simple video can help as well..

Semoga Allah memberikan Taufiq dan HidayahNya kepada semua...InsyaAllah